A Healthy Change Knowing what you wan

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A Healthy ChangeKnowing what you want...determines what you get.  Begin with the end in mind.I know that the day I decided to lose weight...I wanted it all gone...fast.  However, to drop 87 pounds in the blink of an eye was...well...not likely.  That amount seemed overwhelming to me at the time.Or how about that space you've been meaning to organize...forever...yet each time you even think about it...the task seems to big...It's critical to know what you are really going for, then ask yourself what you can do NOW, today, to support the achievement of that goal.After deciding what it is you want, think about how amazing it will feel to accomplish it.  For example, when I look at my office that has gotten a little {ahem} out of control, I now think of how relaxing it feels to have that space under control.  Beginning with the end in mind can really get you through the middle part so much easier.Then...start small.  Do 1 or 2 things that will get you closer to that feeling.  Each small step that you take, allow yourself to see and feel that progress. {Yep...have that little conversation with yourself...it's ok!)Be prepared!  You know how it is...we get off track pretty easily.  Out of site out of mind...but if you want something bad enough, don't leave it to chance.  Set yourself up for success in every way that you think you can.Here are a few ideas...Start your day off with clarity:  First thing, decide how you want your day to go!Write it down: Short, medium & long term goals have more success when written!Eat well: Garbage in = Garbage out.  Make the best choices you can.Leave yourself reminders:  Notes, pictures, anything that will keep you focused.Remove temptation: Out of sight is often out of mind.Get moving: Just do it, whatever it is, for 5 minutes.  You might suprise yourself.Share you goals with someone:  Accountability is KEY!Just remember to keep it simple.  Don't give up...you can do anything you set your mind to.  Have you ever watched a child take their very first steps?  It is an amazing thing...when they fall down... they get right back up and try again!  Can you imagine not letting that child try it again??  So whether this is your first time out with your goals...or you are ready for renewed commitment...when you fall down, pick yourself right back up and keep on going!  "Whatever limitations you have, are limitations you have created."  ~A. Robbins For more successful strategies, check out the something to think about...or healthy changes sections of this website.Watch out for my FREE e-Newsletter coming soon!.


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