Common Symptoms and Diseases in day to day general practiceWhen

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Common Symptoms and Diseases in day to day general practiceWhen we learn during our medical school times, we were taught everything and we know about nearly every disease. This was done so to save us from saying to our patient  Oh! I do not know about your disease! I have not learned about it. Sorry, I cannot treat you!Now this would be the most bad joke and the worst status of a doctor. But still when we start our clinic and in our everyday practice we can see what type of diseases are more common than all the other troubles. More to this, according to our clinic set up, our ability and our medical education qualification, patients will visit our clinic. For example, a doctor practicing gynecology will have gynecologic and maternity type patients and not cancer patients or orthopedic patients.Similarly, a general practitioner will have all types of patients but for severe conditions he will have to refer to hospitals where better care would be taken of his disease.Thus, in a general practice setup, following common set of troubles and symptoms are observed daily:Low or general backacheGiddinessFear, anxiety, confusionConstipationOn and off burning in urineDifficulty in breathing on heavy work or exertionDarkness in front of eyesHeadache of various typesLoss of hunger and appetiteBody acheLeucorrheaTingling and numbness feeling in hands or legsWeakness, fatigue or malaiseLoss of sleep or sleeplessnessBelchingPain in abdomen, distension, off and on diarrheaPain in calves, slight swelling of legs in evenings or after sitting for a long time.Some of the common diseases which may occur are:AnemiaDeficiency of Calcium and VitaminsUrinary infectionsPoor diet or tobacco chewing habits causing further diseasesBlood pressure, asthma and DiabetesCommon diseases of the stomach and intestines, under AmebiasisAnd venous insufficiency of the legs.


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