Detox Your Body And Blood Vessels

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Eliminate 15 kg of toxins in the intestines and blood vessels! Traditional recipe for body detox!The body must be purified every six months or twice a year, as the accumulation of toxins can cause various diseases. Frequent colds, infections, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of concentration in the body are signs of the existence of a surplus of toxins, harmful bacteria and other potentially dangerous substances.Here is an effective and very popular natural remedy in alternative Russian medicine, composed of four simple ingredients! This is a cure that is widely spread in Russia and some even consider it to be the main reason for their known longevity.They are: kefir, buckwheat flour, ginger and honey.Kefir is considered to be the elixir of youth and health and buckwheat flour has extraordinary healing properties. Regarding the ginger, we can say that it is a true miracle of nature in special when it comes to detoxification. It also regulates intestinal transit, and promotes fat burning, it is indicated not only in weight loss but also in detox diets.Recommended reading: Boost Your Immune SystemThe remedy that we propose strengthens the body, regenerates blood vessels, reduces fatigue, stimulates blood circulation in hands and feet and supports the function of the urinary tract. It is being extremely effective in terms of stimulating memory and concentration, especially among elderly.Buckwheat flour lowers blood pressure, reduces the symptoms of atherosclerosis and prevents constipation. In combination with kefir and ginger it reduces blood sugar levels, cleans the intestines and blood vessels, and regulates metabolism and function of the pancreas and increase blood hemoglobin levels.To prepare the recipe you will need:Preparation:Mix well the buckwheat flour with ginger, honey and kefir using a stick blender and a medium bowl.Keep the mixture in a refrigerator overnight.The next morning, mix well again the composition and the remedy is ready.The mixture should be consumed in the morning, instead of breakfast. Please keep in mind that you should now consume other foods for three hours from serving the mixture.You should continue to use this cure 14 days, once every six months. By doing so you will be able to clean your body and prepare it for every challenge it has to face.Diabetics can also use this remedy if they do not add honey.Recommendations:4 Offers: Fat Burning Kitchen, 101 Anti-aging Foods, Truth about absMetabolic Cooking  Fat Loss CookbookAnabolic Cooking  Muscle Building

1 comment:

  1. Detox Of Our Body Is very Important In Six Months Because Of It Not Only Our Body But Also Our Mind Get Fresh,Thanks For Sharing This Post.
