Get Enough Sleep
Health and Fitness TipsPosted on 06 October 2012It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that staying up late amounts to getting more work done. Working longer by staying up late does not always translate to achieving more, especially when you have a sleep deficit, your brain is half asleep and you are trying to push your limits. You may find that most of the stuff you did under fatigue conditions need to be redone.Lack of sleep — less than 7–9 hours — compromises your immune system (putting you at risk for infectious diseases), contributes to decreased work performance, and reduces quality of life. Daytime drowsiness and increased appetite are among the warning signs of needing more sleep. The best cure for fatigue is getting enough sleep, not bombarding your system with more chemicals to keep you awake.
Here are some suggestions to secure sound sleep:Establish a regular sleep schedule: Keep the same sleep hours, even on your days off.Exercise regularly: This will relax you and help you achieve deep sleep. But exercising just before bedtime will have the opposite effect. Try to get in your workout at least 3 hours before you go in for the day.Take a hot bath before bedtime: An evening routine helps relax your body and prepare it for sleep.Spend time outdoors each day: Daily exposure to the sun helps regulate your body’s sleep cycle.Avoid caffeine later in the day: Also check your medications; they could contain caffeine.Don’t watch TV in bed: This can over–stimulate your brain and keep you awake. Darkness is your best bet for falling asleep quickly.Find out what works best for you and form the habit of having at least 7 hours of sleep a day. Take an afternoon nap (power nap) each day if you can. Close the blinds in your office after lunch and doze off for 20 45 minutes if you have the time. This will recharge your batteries and give you energy for your afternoon tasks.It is better to put in 2 solid focused hours of work while your brain is still alert in the evening and call it a day around 10PM rather than work past midnight, go to bed in the wee hours and sleep walk/work during the day.
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