An Apple a Day, keeps Health at Bay! Health Generation India

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 A popular proverb is said  like  An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. True to the fact, apples have no bad feelings about doctors but the only thing is that, Apples are highly nutritious and help in maintaining the normal being of the body. Apples do not contain any fats or cholesterol and also do not contain any sodium in them. Apples come in various colours according to where they are grown and under what climate they are grown. They have a sweet taste and apples are also a natural mouth fresheners. Apples are a rich sources of fibers. They contain both type of fibers  soluble and insoluble type. These fibers help in reducing the built up cholesterol and atherosclerotic and arteriosclerotic changes in the blood vessels which can lead to heart attacks and other heart related diseases.Apples are also a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is concentrated just beneath the skin of Apple. Thus it is preferred many a times to eat the apple with the skin. This helps in the well being of the skin and also helps in overcoming the feeling of fatigue.Digestion is enhanced by apples by flushing the kidneys, also reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostrate and cancer of the lungs. Also the bowel movements are regularized which promotes weight loss and puts a control on Cholesterol.Other numerous nutrients like Carbohydrates, Sodium, Sugar, Minerals, Vitamins, amino acids are present in apples. The major drawback of the apples which are grown conventionally are that they do not have much of nutrition in them as is in the organically grown apples. Also apples may contain residues of pesticides.How to prevent browning of cut slices of apples?To prevent browning of apples which are sliced, put them in a bowl of cold water and add a spoonful of lemon juice to the water. This will also give a good tangy sour taste to the apples.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much in this blog we know so many new things about benefits of Apple.
