Cleanse your lungs in three days!

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In this article we will present a simple, but effective method that can help you clean your lungs in only three days.Many people haven’t smoked a single cigarette in their life and yet, they have lung problems. On the other hand, there are those individuals who, although they are heavy smokers, have never suffered from any lung disease.The situation varies from person to person, but cigarettes are one of the main causes of lung cancer. The following method is certainly very useful if you smoke, but even if you’re not a smoker, it does not hurt to know how to clean your lungs from toxins.Heres how you can do that in just three days!Two days before starting treatment, you should stop consuming dairy. In the evening before the first day of treatment you need to drink a Perforate St Johns-wort tea before bedtime.The tea will help cleanse toxins from the intestines. It is very important that during the process of detoxification, the lungs should not be laden with toxins.Cure:1. Squeeze the juice of two lemons and mix it with 300 ml of water. Drink the juice before breakfast.2. During lunch you need to drink 300 ml of grapefruit juice or pineapple. These juices contain natural antioxidants, which are important for healthy lungs.3. In the afternoon, around 16:00 hours, drink 300 ml of fresh carrot juice. This will help to improve blood alkalinity.4. Before dinner you need to drink 300 ml of juice rich in potassium. Potassium is an important element in cleaning the lungs.Heres the recipe for juice rich in potassium:Put in the juicer 300 grams of parsnips, 200 grams of watercress, 300 grams of cucumber. Youll get about 300 ml of juice.You can buy a good juicer from Amazon.During the three days, besides the consumption of juices, you should exercise and get enough sleep (at least 8 hours). To get even better results, take a hot 20 min bath before bed and enjoy it as best as you can.The “diet” may seem a little difficult, but the results are incredible, you will notice this after finishing the treatment.After three days you should have a better tone and feel a certain type of energy that makes you active.Recommendations:4 Offers: Fat Burning Kitchen, 101 Anti-aging Foods, Truth about absMetabolic Cooking  Fat Loss CookbookAnabolic Cooking  Muscle Building CookbookTHE 3 Week DietRelated

1 comment:

  1. Thanks You So Much For This Information It Will Really Help Lot Of People To Clean There Lungs With Easily & Comfortably.
